
bug demo, 11ty: permalinks forget how to use shortcodes with templateEngineOverride

Primary LanguageHTML

templateEngineOverride Breaks Permalink Shortcode

{% shortDate page.date %}

When a page uses templateEngineOverride, it forgets how to process shortcodes used in the permalink Front Matter value, but only on the second and subsequent builds of the page.

{% for item in collections.post -%}

  • [{{ item.data.title }}]({{ item.url }}) {% endfor %}

Oops! ↑ The bug demonstrated in this repository also breaks the markdown in this README file when I use the Liquid for loop. Here are some GFM relative links instead:


My site is a blog and I use a shortcode which formats the post dates so that they work as part of the URL.

I want to write a post discussing Liquid syntax and I don't want the Liquid code used in the post to be processed by the template engine. I change the template engine so that the Liquid code in the post isn't processed:

  templateEngineOverride: md

In this situation, if I use the command npx @11ty/eleventy, there are no issues. However, if I use npx @11ty/eleventy --serve and make changes to the post with the templateEngineOverride while it's running, it will create a folder named exactly {% shortDate date %} at the root of the site and that will be used in collection item URLs resulting in a link that can't be visited and a "URI malformed (via URIError)"" error in the console.

An odd feature of this problem is that, even with npx @11ty/eleventy --serve, it builds the page correctly the first time. It only breaks when changes are made to the page while it's running.