

Primary LanguageHTML



Page built for freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Projects: Build a Tribute Page.


  • Element with id="main", containing all other elements
  • Element with id="title", containing the page subject
  • div element with id="img-div" containing:
    • Image (img) element with id="image"
      • When the viewport is resized, the image size should change relative to the width of its parent element without exceeding its original size
      • The image should be centered within its parent element.
    • Element with id="img-caption" describing the image
  • Element with id="tribute-info" containing a description of the page's subject
  • Link with id="tribute-link" and target="_blank" which points to an external site with additional information about the subject

The following CDN link can be used to run the tests in any environment: https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js.