#DataURI Twig Extension
This is an extension for Twig Templating engine (http://twig.sensiolabs.org/)
This extension makes easy to use the dataURI scheme as specified in RFC 2397 (see https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2397.txt).
Be carefull, as explained in the RFC, it can not be used as a replacement for traditionnal URI sources all the time. DataURI scheme is length limited and can not handle all files / ressources.
This extension requires PHP 5.3.2.
Download composer following instructions at http://getcomposer.org/, then add
this to your composer.json
"require": {
"data-uri/twig-extension": "dev-master"
Then, register the extension in your twig environment :
$twig->addExtension(new \DataURI\TwigExtension());
DataURI etensions works with, stream ressource, scalar value, a binary string, or a pathname for a file.
$twig->render('<img title="hello" src="{{ image | dataUri }}" />', array('image' => '/path/to/image.jpg'));
will render something like :
<img title="hello" src="...SUhEU==" />
$file = fopen('/path/to/image.jpg', 'r');
$twig->render('<img title="hello" src="{{ image | dataUri }}" />', array('image' => $file));
###Binary string
$file = file_get_contents('/path/to/image.jpg');
$twig->render('<img title="hello" src="{{ image | dataUri(true, \'image/jpeg\') }}" />', array('image' => $file));
##Options :
DataUri can take up to 3 parameters :
dataUri(strictMode, mimeType, parameters)
strictMode default value us true
mimeType default value is null
(autodetected when passing a pathname)
parameters is an array of key/value parameters
###Unlock data length restriction
As said above, the RFC is quite strict on the output max length. By default, the extension is 100% RFC compliant and the extension will log warnings if you render data too large, but you can unlock the limit with the first option of the filter:
$twig->render('<img title="hello" src="{{ image | dataUri(false) }}" />', array('image' => '/path/to/BIGPICTURE.jpg'));
note : If you display errors, warning message will result in Twig throws Twig_Error_Runtime exception.
###Example Mimetype
$file = fopen('bunny.png', 'r');
$twig->render("{{ file | dataUri(false, 'image/png') }}", array('file' => $file));
will render something like :
###Example Parameters
$json = '{"Hello":"World !"}';
$twig->render( '{{ json | dataUri(false, "application/json", {"charset":"utf-8"}) }}', array('json' => $json));
will render :
This extension is released under the MIT License