
Images, macros and analysis pipelines for the quantitative analysis of cardiac parameters from microscopy images

Primary LanguageImageJ Macro


This repository contains folders relevant for the automated, quantitative analysis of cardiac parameters from immunofluorescent images, as used in Ward et al. (Manuscript link to go here).

Instructions to Users

Within these folders users can find raw image files (in .lsm format), CellProfiler pipeline project and pipeline files, ImageJ Macros and an example analysed dataset, which contains raw output data (.csv files), segmentation output images (.tiff files) and an annotated dataset (.xlsx file) which highlights which columns will be useful to users for downstream analysis applications

To download this repository, select the Code button in the top right and download as a zip file.

If there are any problems installing, running or implementing this analysis, please contact a.ward@victorchang.edu.au