
A pipeline for recovery of unaligned reads utilising similarity with aligned reads

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Rescue potential false negative unmapped reads in alignment tools

Manuscript available now on bioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/06/13/345876

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Python3 is required with the following libraries:

These are included in requirements.txt, run the following commands to install them:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, type the following command to install these libraries:

pip3 install --upgrade biopython pysam intervaltree

The alignment tool that you will be using is also required. Currently, it supports the following aligners:

  • STAR
  • Subread

Please make sure that the aligner that you are using is in your path. Please note that BLASTN is also required for rescuing so make sure blastn is in your path.

Running scavenger.py

Rescue unmapped reads. When running the script, you can specify a pre-built aligner's index. If you do not specify it, the script will first build the index automatically with the given FASTA file.

The script will produce a new sam file called <prefix>_rescued.sam and some counting information.


python3 usage: scavenger.py [options] -G/--genome_file <genome_file> -i/--input <input> -at/--aligner_tool <aligner>

Required Arguments

Option Argument
-G/--genome_file <genome_file> Genome FASTA file
-i/--input <input> A comma separated list of input reads (Example: readA.fq,readB.fq). If the reads are paired, use a space to separate reads 1 and 2 (Example: readA_1.fq,readB_1.fq readA_2.fq,readB_2.fq)
-at/--aligner_tool <aligner> The alignment tool to perform alignment

Optional Arguments

Option Argument
-g/--genome_index <genome_index> The directory of the aligner's index.
-a/--annotation <annotation> Annotation file to be used by index builder
-be/--builder_extra_args <extra_args> Extra arguments for the aligner index building. Use this option with quotes (Example: "-be=<extra_args>")
-c/--consensus_threshold Consensus threshold (Default: 0.6)
--blast_perc_identity Minimum percentage of identity for BLASTN
--blast_perc_query_coverage Minimum percentage of query coverage for BLASTN
-r/--repeat_db <repeat_index> The location of index for repetitive sequence database, e.g. RepBase. Inclusion of this argument will filter out reads which align to the repetitive sequence database.
-ae/--aligner_extra_args <extra_args> Extra arguments for the aligner. Use this option with quotes (Example: "-ae=<extra_args>")
-o/--output_dir <output_dir> The output directory for the index (Default: current directory)
-p/--output_prefix <prefix> The prefix for the output index folder (Default: uses the first input file as the prefix)
--bam BAM output file format (Default: SAM output file format)
--clean Keep alignment file but remove other files produced by aligner (Default: Keep all files)
-t/--threads The number of threads to be used by the index builder (Default: 4)

Example Usage

For rescuing reads using STAR

python3 scavenger.py -G genome.fa -i readA.fq -at star -t 8

Running build_aligner_index.py

Creates the index for a specified aligner


python3 utils/build_aligner_index.py [options] -G/--genome_file <genome_file> -at/--aligner_tool <aligner>

Required Arguments

Option Argument
-G/--genome_file <genome_file> The reference genome file in FASTA format
-at/--aligner_tool <aligner> The alignment tool to build index for

Optional Arguments

Option Argument
-be/--builder_extra_args <extra_args> Extra arguments for the aligner index building. Use this option with quotes (Example: "-be=<extra_args>")
-a/--annotation <annotation> The annotation file in GTF/GFF format
-o/--output_dir <output_dir> The output directory for the index (Default: current directory)
-p/--output_prefix <prefix> The prefix for the output index folder (Default: uses genome file as the prefix)
-q/--quiet Set to silent the logging information (Default: False)
-t/--threads The number of threads to be used by the index builder (Default: 4)

Example Usage

python3 utils/build_aligner_index.py -G genome.fa -at star -t 8

Running run_aligner.py

Runs a specific aligner


python3 utils/run_aligner.py [options] -i/--input <input> -g/--genome_index <genome_index> -at/--aligner_tool <aligner>

Required Arguments

Option Argument
-i/--input <input> A comman separated list of input reads (Example: readA.fq,readB.fq). If the reads are paired, use a space to separate reads 1 and 2 (Example: readA_1.fq,readB_1.fq readA_2.fq,readB_2.fq)
-g/--genome_index <genome_index> The directory of the aligner's index
-at/--aligner_tool <aligner> The alignment tool to perform alignment

Optional Arguments

Option Argument
-ae/--aligner_extra_args <extra_args> Extra arguments for the aligner. Use this option with quotes (Example: "-ae=<extra_args>")
-o/--output_dir <output_dir> The output directory for the index (Default: current directory)
-p/--output_prefix <prefix> The prefix for the output index folder (Default: uses the first input file as the prefix)
-q/--quiet Set to silent the logging information (Default: False)
-t/--threads The number of threads to be used by the index builder (Default: 4)

Example Usage

For a single single-end file using STAR

python3 utils/run_aligner.py -i readA.fq -g star_index/ -at star -t 8

For a single single-end files using Subread

python3 utils/run_aligner.py -i readA.fq,readB.fq -g subread_index/ -at subread -t 8