
Tugas besar ADSI untuk membuat software dengan menggunakan metode SCRUM.

Primary LanguagePHP



Please create separate branch if you want to push your works by using

git checkout -b name_of_your_new_branch

and then you can commit your work to your local branch, and push to the remote branch.

If your work is ready to be released on the production, do a pull request, and i will immediately review and accept it.

Initialization Instruction

There is no need to create the tables inside your server, laravel will do it automatically.

just create a database named skriptik and

fill your .env file with your database server detail e.g :

//database_name is skriptik

and run

php artisan migrate

and then do your shit things

Running Locally

php artisan serve

####Database Creation via Laravel Framework

if you want to create a table for your work here is the steps :

  1. do
php artisan make:model YourModel --migration
  1. open YourModel.php in /app folder and add this :
class YourModel extends model
    protected $table = "YourModel";    
  1. go to /database/migrations and there will be your migration file, edit the method up
public function up()
        Schema::create('YourModel', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->increments('id'); //id autoincrement
            $table->string('nama'); //ini serah lo
            $table->string('email'); //ini juga
            $table->string('nohp'); //ini juga
            $table->text('alamat'); //ini juga
            $table->timestamps(); /kolom default, jan diapa apain, kalo ga ada tambahin aja kek begindang

and do

php artisan migrate

and we're done