[AAAI 2024] BEV-MAE: Bird's Eye View Masked Autoencoders for Point Cloud Pre-training in Autonomous Driving Scenarios

Primary LanguagePython

BEV-MAE: Bird's Eye View Masked Autoencoders for Outdoor Point Cloud Pre-training

This is the official implementation of BEV-MAE. The training code is coming soon.


We release the pre-training weights of VoxelNet on Waymo dataset.

pre-trained 3D backbone Dataset Weights
VoxelNet Waymo (20% data) Google_drive
VoxelNet Waymo (full data) Google_drive

Our code is base on OpenPCDet. To use our pre-trained weights, please refer to INSTALL.md for installation and follow the instructions in GETTING_STARTED.md to train the model.

Contact Us

If you have any problem about this work, please feel free to reach us out at zwlin@pku.edu.cn.