- 0
#64 opened by JarvisKevin - 0
"BatchNorm eval trick" in CBNet question
#62 opened by zlenyk - 2
Batchsize and lr of HTC+Swin-L
#50 opened by BinZhu-ece - 1
Slow inference speed with default config
#23 opened by imyhxy - 0
Welcome update to OpenMMLab 2.0
#61 opened by vansin - 0
- 1
Training custom dataset out of memory
#58 opened by ttrungtin2910 - 11
i got this error when training cbnetv2, but It's normal when I train other models
#57 opened by wzr0108 - 0
CBNetV2 installation on colab
#59 opened by mohamedettebayo - 3
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/coco/stuffthingmaps/train2017/xyz.png'
#27 opened by Resham-Sundar - 1
How to disable semantic mask since I only want to do object detection?
#42 opened by Icecream-blue-sky - 0
#56 opened by XuKer - 2
- 4
- 13
- 2
How to use three backbone?
#30 opened by Klawens - 2
About inference speed
#24 opened by WongKinYiu - 2
Inference phase w.out labels
#25 opened by aliceinland - 3
- 1
Single GPU training
#37 opened by Ali-Abolfathi - 2
- 0
Does it work on pytorch1.9.0?
#54 opened by rainbow-xiao - 1
#53 opened by Quentinmht - 0
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
#52 opened by xingkongliang - 0
Possible bug in mmdet modification?
#51 opened by maitreygram - 0
Reproduce CBNetV2 with other models
#49 opened - 1
If I understood it right all the algorithms are mask based right except for Faster-Rcnn model, right? Can I use the cascade-mask-rcnn model for just object detection, i.e., to train the model without segmentation annotations?
#46 opened by CharlesNJ - 1
- 0
Reproduce DB-Swin-Large models
#47 opened by cailk - 4
model loading issues
#36 opened by explorer359 - 1
- 2
Loss goes nan when training dual swin-base
#39 opened by seanzhuh - 8
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
#29 opened by CharlesNJ - 2
Is there a way to only detect the classes that I need with the pre-trained model, example car and truck?
#35 opened by CharlesNJ - 2
Does this model take different sizes of images as i/p? Or does all the images have to be of the same WxH?
#34 opened by CharlesNJ - 5
- 1
CBNet Paper Layers composition
#21 opened by aliceinland - 1
- 1
Questions about fused_semantic_head
#41 opened by JR-Wang - 0
About train on custom dataset
#40 opened by linyangsdu - 1
为什么我测试 所有ap都为0
#33 opened by lgf821793883 - 0
how to train DB-Swin-L?
#38 opened by fuweifu-vtoo - 10
- 2
How to show the results images?
#26 opened by RainbowSun11Q2H - 0
- 10
How to train on a custom dataset
#15 opened by aliceinland - 0
- 0
- 0
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/coco/train2017/000000256364.png'
#19 opened by LLsmile - 0