ESDIs-SOD dataset and A3Net

We propose a novel Autocorrelation Aware Aggregation Network (A3Net) for salient object detection of strip steel surface defects.


ESDIs-SOD dataset

We provide the ESDIs-SOD dataset:

Results of A3Net

We provide the resutls of our A3Net(VGG16/Res2Net50/Swintransformer) on ESDIs-SOD dataset and SD-saliency-900 dataset; Saliency maps and pth of our A3Net on ESDIs-SOD dataset trained on ESDIs-SOD dataset; Saliency maps and pth of our A3Net on SD-saliency-900 dataset trained on SD-saliency-900 dataset;


2023-Autocorrelation-Aware Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection of Strip Steel Surface Defects.pdf