Pizza Sales Dashboard

This repository contains the code and design files for an Excel Pizza Sales Dashboard. The dashboard provides insights into pizza sales data, including total revenue, total pizza sales, daily revenue chart, order per hour chart, pizza sales by category and size, top 5 best-selling pizzas, and top 5 bottom-selling pizzas. Additionally, the dashboard includes filters to enable data filtering by month, size, and category.

Dashboard Features

  1. Total Revenue: Displays the overall revenue generated from pizza sales.
  2. Total Pizza Sales: Shows the total number of pizzas sold.
  3. Daily Revenue Chart: Visualizes the revenue generated on a daily basis.
  4. Order per Hour Chart: Illustrates the distribution of orders throughout the day.
  5. Pizza Sales by Category and Size: Presents the sales distribution across different pizza categories and sizes.
  6. Top 5 Best-Selling Pizzas: Highlights the top 5 pizzas with the highest sales.
  7. Top 5 Bottom-Selling Pizzas: Displays the top 5 pizzas with the lowest sales.
  8. Filters: Allows users to filter data based on month, size, and category.

Getting Started

To use this dashboard, follow the steps below:


  • Microsoft Excel: Ensure you have Microsoft Excel installed on your machine.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine or download the ZIP file and extract it.
  2. Open Microsoft Excel.
  3. Click on "File" and select "Open".
  4. Navigate to the location where you cloned/downloaded the repository.
  5. Select the Excel file with the appropriate extension (e.g., .xlsx) from the repository.
  6. Excel will open the file, and you can start exploring the dashboard.

Modifying the Dashboard

You can customize the dashboard according to your specific requirements. Here are a few ways to make modifications:

  • Data Source: Update the data source with your own pizza sales data.
  • Visual Customization: Adjust the visuals, colors, and styles to match your preferences or branding.
  • Additional Charts: Add new charts or modify existing ones to display additional insights or metrics.
  • Filters: Customize the filters to include additional parameters or dimensions for data filtering.
  • Data Analysis: Apply additional formulas or calculations to derive new metrics or insights from the data.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, please submit a pull request or open an issue in this repository.


  • Microsoft Excel: Powerful spreadsheet software used to create this Pizza Sales Dashboard.

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