
This is a Car insurance App where I provide differents inputs for the user, and can select specs like the model of the car. the year and type of plan, every selection will result in the review of the insurance, and the price, based on the selections of the user. This project use React, React Components, Emotion Styled Components and Props.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started with Create React App

To deploy work enviroment

npm start

for any lint error

npm test

to build the work enivormnet and deply app.

npm run build

To install emotion/styled in your own react projects

npm i @emotion/styled @emotion/core

to get documentation of this CSS library the link here:


to install library and use animations for transition:

npm i react-transition-group it will be required import things to the actual project

import { TransitionGroup, CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group';