
Map - megastudy - floating visualizations - back end 400 errors related to imputing zeros when no imputation is required

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This is a request for a histogram of a "Blood meal assay" variable:
POST data

	"config": {
		"barMode": "stack",
		"binSpec": {
			"type": "binWidth",
			"value": 6.67
		"outputEntityId": "OBI_0002732",
		"valueSpec": "count",
		"xAxisVariable": {
			"entityId": "OBI_0002732",
			"variableId": "OBI_0002993"
	"filters": [
			"entityId": "EUPATH_0000605",
			"stringSet": [
			"type": "stringSet",
			"variableId": "POPBIO_8000215"
			"entityId": "GAZ_00000448",
			"max": 83.71554430601263,
			"min": -73.12494524712693,
			"type": "numberRange",
			"variableId": "OBI_0001620"
			"entityId": "GAZ_00000448",
			"left": -167.87109374000002,
			"right": -167.87109375000003,
			"type": "longitudeRange",
			"variableId": "OBI_0001621"
	"studyId": "VBP_MEGA"

A 400 error returns this message

400 Bad Request: POST 
Traceid: 4bf463a829fc4b21981bbc24aa55080f 

  "status": "bad-request",
  "message": {
    "keyedErrors": {
      "single_tabular_dataset": [
        "Variable '{\"entityId\":\"OBI_0002732\",\"variableId\":\"EUPATH_0043227\"}' must be available on entity 'OBI_0002732'.",
        "Variable '{\"entityId\":\"OBI_0002732\",\"variableId\":\"OBI_0001909\"}' must be available on entity 'OBI_0002732'.",
        "Variable '{\"entityId\":\"OBI_0002732\",\"variableId\":\"PATO_0000047\"}' must be available on entity 'OBI_0002732'.",
        "Variable '{\"entityId\":\"OBI_0002732\",\"variableId\":\"UBERON_0000105\"}' must be available on entity 'OBI_0002732'."
    "validationLevel": "RUNNABLE",
    "validationStatus": "FAILED",
    "errors": []

OBI_0002732 is the "Blood meal assay" entity

Those four variables are the special "study-dependent vocabulary" variables on the sample entity. They shouldn't be needed here?

this should be fixed in data service v7.7.3