- 0
Jim Nelson - rubber mold fabrication?
#305 opened by myearwood1 - 2
- 1
Menu item / command button regex for ignoring extraneous spaces and hotkey assignment
#258 opened by myearwood1 - 12
Gofish 5 upgrade?
#239 opened by myearwood1 - 14
- 2
Code View, when using IDE colours, respects foreground colour but not background colour
#262 opened by PGibsonCoUk - 8
GoFish 7.1.28 - not returning any results
#302 opened by parios59 - 11
GoFish appears to affect VFP's property display
#300 opened by billand88 - 22
Replacements in menus stopped working
#283 opened by klepetox - 1
String too long to fit error
#295 opened by billand88 - 4
Search for SELECT * doesn't work
#294 opened by DougHennig - 5
Error when searching
#291 opened by lemmeboga - 2
Alternate way to specify extensions
#290 opened by myearwood1 - 14
More hot key cleanup...
#288 opened by billand88 - 12
Duplicate hot keys in grid right click menu
#282 opened by billand88 - 1
Only small visual improvement
#278 opened by klepetox - 1
Variable 'LCPROJECTPATH' is not found
#280 opened by salvatoregraf - 11
Toggle to disable Grep integration for those very rare occasions where it doesn't appear to be working correctly
#273 opened by PGibsonCoUk - 4
GoFish for VFP versions before 9
#279 opened by Jimrnelson - 6
- 7
Results form and font size
#259 opened by klepetox - 2
- 1
- 3
Small improvements for the future
#268 opened by klepetox - 10
Regex reporting many files?
#269 opened by myearwood1 - 4
Searches ending in backslash (\) return zero matches, when matches should be found
#264 opened by PGibsonCoUk - 15
Dynamic file and folder list.
#256 opened by myearwood1 - 1
Searching for single-character currency symbol returns zero matches when matches should be found
#261 opened by PGibsonCoUk - 143
Greater searching speed.
#226 opened by myearwood1 - 26
- 16
Strange thing (not error) in "Path relative to Scope" column when searching in All open projects
#247 opened by klepetox - 3
Folders excluded from searching (files to skip) are ignored when I search in "All Open Projects"
#244 opened by klepetox - 17
- 3
- 33
OLE error when trying to use RegEx search
#231 opened by rikaye - 4
Another item in Scope combobox
#232 opened by klepetox - 13
Why is RegEx so slow in GF?
#216 opened by Jimrnelson - 9
Right click on tree view does not always work.
#224 opened by myearwood1 - 21
- 19
- 27
- 8
New FAQ link on GF form
#210 opened by Jimrnelson - 15
Copy file name to clipboard - confirmation
#214 opened by klepetox - 7
Advanced Replace help
#211 opened by Jimrnelson - 4
- 5
How to search and replace all REPORT FORM commands to surround the report name with ". Intent is to support a recompile excluding reports.
#208 opened by myearwood1 - 12
Crash exiting GoFish 7.0
#205 opened by myearwood1 - 13
- 3
- 4
Gofish Advanced Search - Missing sections
#196 opened by parios815