QWorld project 16 also on GitLab
Project: d-Wave optimizations for Supply Chain channels
Mentor: Vesselin Gueorguiev
Description: d-Wave is ideal for optimization of combinatorial problems that are often faced in Supply Chain channels of various industries
Interns: Daniel Salazar, Isaac Méndez Barquero, Mustafa Efe Güzel, Victor Chang, Yusharth Singh, Shivani Mayekar, (Sinem Serap and Roberto Narvaez Hernandez)
In order to understand the project and its goals and tasks, the interns need to become familiar with the D-wave Leap, D-wave SDK, Strange works as a collaborative QC-platform, Google Colaboratory, and IBM QISKit.
The main goals for the program duration were:
- Building background skills, experience, and knowledge.
- Finding interesting optimization data sets and challenges.
- Exploring data representations and relevant models.
The main relevant tasks were:
Practising runs on D-wave Leap by studying and exploring various repositories:
Daniel & Roberto: Knapsak example problem formulation for D-Wave as used in QAlpha;
Mustafa and Sinem: Classical Anniler as used in week4 of CDL Quantum 2020;
Victor & Isaac: Knapsack and vehicle routing Quantum Chain Q-Chain;
Yash & Shivani: Vehicle routing exploration via QISKit and D-wave as done in cohort #3 of QOSF;
Studing the desision optimization tutorials from the IBM AI Callenge 2021 and utilizing the supply chain example data there.
The end-product consist of the following Jupiter notebooks:
Exploring the IBM tools and QISKit to run decision optimization (DO) examples, see QISKit_experiments.ipynb;
Exploring the possibility to use the D-wave Leap to run the same decision optimization examples, see D-Wave_experiments.ipynb.