
Provides VGV style lints, similar to package:pedantic.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This package contains the analysis_options.yaml file to configure the Dart analyzer for VGV Dart/Flutter style.

It enables more lints than pedantic, and can be used alongside it. See that package for more information.


  • Add a dev dependency in your pubspec.yaml:
      url: https://github.com/VGVentures/nitpicky
      ref: 1.0.0    # specify a tag or branch
  • Put the following in your project's analysis_options.yaml:
include: package:nitpicky/analysis_options.yaml

# or use an older version
# include: package:nitpicky/analysis_options.1.0.0.yaml


As we evolve these rules over time, we should version them by copying the yaml file with a new suffix and matching git tag, and updating the main analysis_options file to point to the latest. See pedantic.

Retaining the old rules will allow clients to pin a specific version. Otherwise, CI will fail until their code is updated.