
Data Interface Database



Data Interface Database

The purpose of this package is to provide an interface to database implementations that provide:

  1. Database "documents" that have a JSON-based metadata portion and binary portions
  2. The ability to build these JSON-based metadata portions from user-specified class descriptions (with subclasses and superclasses)
  3. The ability to switch among various database implementations (such as Postgres, MongoDB, sqlite, a custom system, or new systems) without changing the API.
  4. The ability to enforce a schema on the metadata portion of the documents
  5. The ability to search document metadata fields without needing compiled object code for each document type

Later, we will add:

  1. The ability to provide version control with commits

This is a rebuild of a database that was built for the Neuroscience Data Interface and we are just getting it off the ground. For now, the only thing that works is:




  • DID-matlab is installed automatically with the NDI-matlab installer or with the vhlab_vhtools intaller. Installing either will install DID-matlab and set it up.
  • You can also install manually with git.
    1. In a terminal (not in the Matlab command line), change to the directory where you want to install DID-matlab. Usually this is Documents/MATLAB from the home directory (e.g., on a Mac, at /Users/username/Documents/Matlab).
    2. Running the following command: git clone http://github.com/VH-Lab/DID-matlab .
    3. Make sure to add DID-matlab to your path on the Matlab command line: addpath(genpath([PATHNAME_TO_DIDMATLAB])).

Test your installation by running did.test.test_did_document() on the command line.