Workshop #1 Take-Home Level 2: Basic Counter with Javascript

Your goal for this takehome assignment is to create a counter using basic Javascript. We have provided you with some starter code in the index.html and src/index.js files to help you get started.

Ideally, your final counter webpage should have the following:

  • Two buttons that increase and decrease the count when clicked
  • A count display that updates every time a button is clicked

alt text


If you want to do more with this assignment, here are a few suggestions for modifications/additions you can make to your counter:

  • A reset button that sets the count to zero when clicked
  • Make the buttons change color while they are being clicked (e.g. the '+' button turns green, the '-' button turns red)
  • Make the display change color when it changes signs (e.g. red when negative, green when positive, black when 0)

Also feel free to modify the styles.css file provided in the src folder if you wish to make your counter look nicer.