Radiology Protocol Tool Recorder
RAPTOR is an automated, electronic tool for capturing data that is needed by radiologists to optimize advanced medical imaging protocols including CT, MRI and nuclear medicine. RAPTOR helps to optimize advanced medical imaging protocols at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) by automating an existing paper-based, error-prone manual process that can take weeks to complete. RAPTOR improves upon the existing system by capturing medical device data automaticall from Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA).
- Apache2/IIS
- PHP5
- php-soap
- php-dom
- php-xml
- mbstring
- Drupal 7
- omega theme
- selectivizr.min.js
- html5shiv.min.js
- html5shiv-printshiv.min.js
- respond.min.js
- raptor_omega theme
- omega theme
- Node.js
- EWD.js
- Intersystems Cache'
- VistA
- Raptor specific KIDs builds
- EWD integration
- Install Vagrant (see: )
- Install VirtualBox (see: )
- Install Git (see: operating system specific instructions )
This automated installation process will create a RAPTOR system on a Linux-based virtual machine.
- Open your terminal application such as a shell under Linux, Command Prompt under Windows, or on Mac.
- Clone this repository: git clone
- Use the cd command to go to the root folder of the repository
- Type the following command to build RAPTOR:
vagrant up
To provision in AWS adjust your environment variables or modify the 'aws' section of the Vagrantfile and execute:
To provision with AWS as your provider you will need to adjust line 25 of provision/cache/parameters.isc to contain the username you are using in AWS:
security_settings.manager_user: vagrant
~By default the username is set to 'vagrant'
If you change this, you need to understand that everywhere in this document where the username 'vagrant' is used, your new username would be used instead.
To change the name you will need to run the following where 'ec2-user' is your preferred username:
sed -i -e 's/vagrant/ec2-user/' /vagrant/provision/cache/parameters.isc
Afterwards, you can build the machine in AWS as follows:
vagrant up --provider=aws
To connect to roll and scroll VistA to install VEFB KIDS build for RAPTOR
vagrant ssh
csession cache
at prompt enter credentials with username: vagrant and password: innovate
D ^%CD
at namespace prompt enter:
Type the following to get a prompt for access/verify code:
Enter access/verify code pair: CPRS1234/CPRS4321$
Select Systems Manager Menu <TEST ACCOUNT> Option: ^^load a distribution
Enter a Host File: /srv/mgr/VEFB_1_2.KID
KIDS Distribution saved on Sep 28, 2015@08:20:31
This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following Package(s):
VEFB 1.2
Distribution OK!
Want to Continue with Load? YES//
Loading Distribution...
VEFB 1.2
Use INSTALL NAME: VEFB 1.2 to install this Distribution.
Select Systems Manager Menu <TEST ACCOUNT> Option: ^^install package
Then select defaults (hit enter) till KIDS installation is complete.
EWDJS and FEDERATOR resides within the /opt/ewdjs folder
To manually start it you can use this command:
cd /opt/ewdjs
To stop it use this:
cd /opt/ewdjs
EWD Monitor: password: innovate EWD: ewdBootstrap3.js EWD Federator: echo password: innovate
CSP is here: username: vagrant password: innovate
Now EWD is running and you should try to log into the RAPTOR application using a user such as:
Raptor Site (default site is 500) username: admin password: raptor1!
- Resident access/verify: 1radiologist/radiologist1
- Radiologist access/verify: radio1234/Rad12345!
- Scheduler access/verify: cprs1234/cprs4321$
The following values may be changed to suit your environment:
If you have a vista system with a very long workload listing, this value can be adjusted to make the worklist more managable:
csession cache -U VISTA "^ZU"
username: cprs1234 password: cprs4321$
Crash on D ^ZU
VistA logon (the ZU program) displays "** TROUBLE ** - ** CALL IRM NOW! **" if the number of available jobs drops below 3. For those of us with small Cache licenses, this is a permanent condition, so you may decide to edit the ZU program to change the threshold.
Caused by not having a valid license key with enough seats.
EWD Federator -
{"code":"RESTError","message":"ewdfederator is not authorised for Web Service access"}
This means that the ewdfederator user has not been set up.
To fix this error see the /opt/ewdjs/RegisterEWDFederator.js script that contains the credentials for the federator to use.
var ewdGlobals = require('./node_modules/ewdjs/node_modules/globalsjs');
var interface = require('cache');
var db = new interface.Cache();
var ok ={
path: '/srv/mgr',
username: '_SYSTEM',
password: 'innovate',
namespace: 'VISTA'
var ewd = {
mumps: ewdGlobals
var zewd = new ewd.mumps.GlobalNode('%zewd', []);
"EWDLiteServiceAccessId": {
"ewdfederator": {
"secretKey": "$keepSecret!",
"apps": {
"raptor": true
The startFederator.js script must match these credentials as well.
var federator = require('ewd-federator');
var params = {
restPort: 8081,
poolSize: 2,
traceLevel: 3,
database: {
type: 'cache',
username: "_SYSTEM",
password: "innovate",
namespace: "VISTA"
server: {
RaptorEwdVista: {
host: '', // if federator installed on same physical machine as EWD.js / VistA
port: 8082,
ssl: false,
ewdjs: true,
accessId: 'ewdfederator', // change as needed
secretKey: '$keepSecret!' // change as needed
service: {
raptor: {
module: 'raptor',
service: 'parse',
contentType: 'application/json'