Data and Code for Reproducing "Global Relational Models of Source Code"
- abhishek9sharmaSingapore
- andrefzMaringá, PR
- andylamp::1 && Azeroth
- bennofs
- bohuizhangLondon
- bzz@jetbrains, @apache
- chengjunyan1Seattle, WA
- chontipan
- daipengbyr
- davisjamPurdue University
- dbieberGoogle Brain
- diegovalenzuelaiturra@TeselaGen
- egor-bogomolov@JetBrains-Research
- fly51flyPRIS
- guxdShanghai Jiao Tong University
- gybuay
- happenwahLondon, UK
- hsellikTallinn, Estonia
- jacobwwh
- jiangudaMonash University
- josecohenca
- lihy96Tsinghua University
- LiuFang816Beihang University
- mallamanisUK
- mauricioanicheAdyen
- mdrafiqulrabinUL Research Institutes
- mir-amDelft University of Technology
- Monireh2
- PratikDhanave
- qibincApple AI/ML
- sedflixKing
- wanyao1992Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- WayneTseng123Shenzhen
- wuyan0714
- xennygrimmatoGoogle
- zkcpkuPeking Univ.