
Ising model implementation in Python. Metropolis and Swendsen Wang algorithm.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ising Model Simulaton

Simulation movie


Report/ Contains the report.

exported_data/ Contains data exported from simulation runs.

exported_figs/ Contains figures generated from simulation runs and from more advanced data processing.

Data_processing.ipynb: Contains all the more complex data processing that is not carried out by running a simulation. Among which plots from multiple data sets, fitting for critical exponents, and simulation performance.

Execute_simulation.ipynb: MAIN FILE Contains the setup of the simulation, this function should be run if a simulation is needed to be performed.

Ising_simulation.py: Contains all the functions used. Among which, the metropolis and Swendsen-Wang algorithm.

data_processing.py: Contains simple plotting and data saving functions. Also contains fitting functions which are used in the data_processing notebook.

energies.py: Contains functions concerning energy of the system and that of single spin flips.

intialisation.py: Contains initialisaton functions, checking input en declaring arrays.

metropolis.py: Contais functions concerning the Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm.

quantities.py: Contains all the functions to calculate the needed quantities.

swendsen_wang.py Contains functions concerning the Swendsen-Wang Monte Carlo algorithm.