
Make it tweet

remram44 opened this issue · 7 comments

Entries could be tweeted as well as published to RSS.

Created a twitter for this purpose, @ReproFeed.

Should we use something like Do it by hand? Make the build script tweet via tweepy?

I wrote a script that does this using tweepy and feedparser, and could try deploying this soon?

Is it a good idea or is tweeting by hand acceptable? Doing it manually allows us to customize the message (140 chars & hashtags)

I wrote a bot that does this, but I don't really know how to tie it into the build of this repo. Next step!

  • Either it runs as part on the build (on Travis), and checks what it has already tweeted by reading the Twitter timeline (can't keep state on Travis)
  • or we keep it as a bot running somewhere else that reads the RSS and tweets, in which case we can also put its code on GitHub somewhere

Will wait on YAML #5