
Discord Bot for the O Padrinho Roleplay project.

Primary LanguagePHP

The Godfather - Guild/Server-specific Discord bot, made in PHP.

Padrinho, as we say it in Portuguese, is the literal translation for Godfather, that one mob kingpin that makes his minions tremble. Which is perfectly fitting for what he actually does, which is managing a Discord server for a Mafia themed Roleplay server (on the FiveM platform, a GTA 5 Multiplayer modification)


This bot utilizes the new Interaction reference from Discord. Which means all of it's commands are done via the native Slash commands.


As it sits currently there aren't that many features to brag about. But I'll leave you to a list of what it can do up until this point:

IRC style AFK system

/afk (reason) - If you're old enough in the computer world you've used IRC at one point and eventually used this command. It sets/unsets you as being AFK (Away From Keyboard), with an optional reason. What it does exactly is assign you an AFK role, which has a black color, so that people can clearly distinguish who is online or not (silly tiny status circles), plus also notifying the main channel with a message and removing you from any voice channel you are currently on.

It will also set the role if it sees your status change to idle. When coming out of AFK, you can either just type anything on any channel or use the /afk command again.

Game Tracker

The bot will keep track of all the games you play, log it to a private channel and also assign a "In-game" role when it knows you are playing on the server you are actually supposed to be playing on :). Whilst also managing the voice channels you should be on when playing, so if you're in the lobby channel, and playing on our server, it will them move you to the "In-game" voice channel and prevent you from going back to the lobby (you can go anywhere else, but not the lobby), until you stop playing. When you exit the game, if you're a regular player you will then be moved back to the lobby channel.