[ICCV 2019, Oral] Controllable Artistic Text Style Transfer via Shape-Matching GAN
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- aaronpetok华南理工大学( South China University of Technology )
- cdq14PKU
- cometyang
- dedekindsTsinghua University
- digantamisra98@mila-iqia @landskape-ai
- DoubleCake
- Echo-byte
- fly51flyPRIS
- ForrestPiXi’an Jiaotong University
- FrancisYoo
- gokriznasticNortheastern University
- GongXinyuuUT Austin
- hellosaumilQualcomm
- jessemelpolio
- JiayiShenTAMU
- LeungSamWaiUS
- luowy1001
- LynnHoICT, CAS
- MacloryTsinghua University
- MendelXuHuazhong University of Science and Tech.
- musicrainie
- peachisChina
- pingjun18-li
- RahulBhalleyFreelancer
- seokgVisual Media Lab, KAIST
- ShenRong
- suvojit-0x55aa
- t-tau
- tkianai别怕失败,大不了从头来过
- UdonDaThe University of Tokyo
- williamyang1991PKU
- wtjiang98Alibaba
- wuzhenyusjtuTexas A&M University
- ygexe
- zhangqianhuiUniversity of Trento