
The emission mapper (E-MAP) is an emission preprocessor for different Air Quality Models (OPS, BelEUROS, Chimere and AURORA).

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


The emission mapper (E-MAP) is an emission preprocessor for different Air Quality Models (OPS, BelEUROS, Chimere and AURORA).



Run these commands in the project root. Requires: a C++17 compliant compiler Build all the required dependencies:
./bootstrap.py --triplet=x64-linux
Build emap:
./build.py --triplet=x64-linux --dist

The binary can now be found in project_root/build/emap-release-x64-linux-dist/


The emap model is a command line tool that supports the following arguments

emapcli [-?|-h|--help] [-l|--log] [--log-level <number>] [--no-progress] [--concurrency <number>] [-d|--debug] -c|--config <path>

  -?, -h, --help
  -l, --log               Print logging on the console
  --log-level <number>    Log level when logging is enabled [1 (debug) - 5 (critical)] (default=2)
  --no-progress           Suppress progress info on the console
  --concurrency <number>  Number of cores to use
  -d, --debug             Dumps internal grid usages
  -c, --config <path>     The e-map run configuration

The model run details are configured in the specfied config file

Config file format

The config file is expected to be in the toml format (https://github.com/toml-lang/toml)


grid = "vlops1km"
datapath = "./_input"
year = 2020
report_year = 2022
spatial_pattern_exceptions = "./_input/03_spatial_disaggregation/exceptions.xlsx"
included_pollutants = ["PM2.5", "PM10"]

path = "./_output_gnfr"
filename_suffix = "_test"
sector_level = "GNFR"
create_country_rasters = false
create_grid_rasters = true

validation = true

Model section

This section configures the model run

  • grid the output grid of the model

    possible values:

    • "vlops1km"
    • "vlops250m"
    • "chimere_05deg"
    • "chimere_01deg"
    • "chimere_005deg_large"
    • "chimere_005deg_small"
    • "chimere_0025deg"
    • "chimere_emep_01deg"
    • "chimere_cams_01-005deg"
    • "chimere_rio1"
    • "chimere_rio4"
    • "chimere_rio32"
  • datapath the directory path to the model input data

  • year the year to run the model for

  • report_year the report year of the emission data of the model run

  • spatial_pattern_exceptions path to an xlsx file in which exceptions for spatial patterns are configured. These exceptions overrule the standard rules for spatial patterns.

  • emission_scaling_factors path to an xslx file in which scaling factors are configured for the emissions

  • included_pollutants List of pollutants to include in the model run, this setting is optional, if it is not present all the configured pollutants will be included in the run.

  • scenario First search for emission input files with the _scenario suffix before using the default emission input files, allows easy creation of scenarios with modified input files. For point sources emap_{scenario}_{pollutant}_{year}_*.csv is checked before emap_{pollutant}_{year}_*.csv

  • point_source_rescale_threshold The threshold for allowing automatic rescaling of point sources when they exceed the reported total emissions [0 - 100]

Output section

This section configures the output of the model

  • path directory path where the created output files will be stored

  • filename_suffix suffix to add to filename of the created files in the output directory

  • sector_level the level in which the output will be aggregated

    possible values:

    • "NFR"
    • "GNFR"
    • "SNAP"
  • create_country_rasters set this option to true to generate geotiffs containing the emissions for the individual countries for each pollutant and each sector

  • create_grid_rasters set this option to true to generate geotiffs for the configured grid for each pollutant and each sector

  • separate_point_sources configure wheter point sources should be output separately for chimere grids (default = true)

Options section

Additional options

  • validation when this option is true an additional verification step is done when the model has completed that will compare the input emissions against the output emissions after they have been spread over the grid. The run summary will contain an additional tab with the details.