

Primary LanguagePHP


The API-part of Aptostat. It handles API-requests and fetches data from the database.


Note: Most of the commands might require sudo

Setting up your server

Initial setup your server

You need:

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64

Install the following with apt-get

  • apache2

  • php5

  • mysql-server

  • curl

  • php5-memcached

  • php5-curl

  • php5-mysql

  • git

  • memcached

    $ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server curl php5-memcached php5-curl php5-mysql git memcached

Configure apache

Configure your DNS with a domain to the server Apart from setting up apache as normal you have to:

  • Enable rewrite engine

    $ sudo a2enmod rewrite

  • Change your Virtual host settings (Typically in sites-available named default)

  • Add /web to your DocumentRoot. Example: /var/www/web. (From a default of /var/www)

  • Change Directory /var/www/ into /var/www/web.

  • AllowOverride all in <Directory /var/www/web/>

  • Limit POST PUT DELETE http methods to valid-users

Example file: (first few lines)

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

    DocumentRoot /var/www/web
    <Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        <Limit POST PUT DELETE>
            Require valid-user
    <Directory /var/www/web>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all

Restart apache2 $ sudo service apache2 restart

Download and install Composer

Navigate into home or any other place to store files temporarily:

$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Set up Aptostat

Clone the files

$ git clone https://github.com/nox27/aptostat_api.git
$ sudo mv aptostat_api/* /var/www/

/var/www will be described as projectRoot folder.

Run composer install in projectRoot folder.

Set up propel

You need to build the database and classes for propel:

Create a build.properties file (based on build.properties.example and update contents.

Build model and create tables:

 $ vendor/bin/propel-gen om
 $ vendor/bin/propel-gen sql

Note: If you are having problems with permission try giving the execute-rights to phing.php. (Path will pop up in the error you might get)

Create database and database user:

$ mysql -h localhost -u root -p
> CREATE USER 'aptostat'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'aptostat';
> GRANT ALL ON aptostat.* TO 'aptostat'@'localhost';
> exit;
$ vendor/bin/propel-gen insert-sql

Create runtime-conf.xml (based on runtime-conf.xml.example and update contents. Then run:

$ vendor/bin/propel-gen convert-conf

Create log dir, lock dir and make them writable:

$ mkdir -p app/log
$ mkdir -p app/lock

$ sudo setfacl -R -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:`whoami`:rwx app/log app/lock
$ sudo setfacl -dR -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:`whoami`:rwx app/log app/lock

Note: You might need to install 'acl' first.

Set up deploy-config

Read the README in app/deploy-config folder for more detailed info.

In short: Change any settings you'd like, then: Rename it config.php and move it to the /app folder


Test if the API is responding by trying to access your domain (Example: yourdomain.com) It should return:

    "statusDesc": "Read documentation for proper use of the API"



List reports

GET: http://your.url/api/report

Gives you a list over reports.

  • Parameters:
    • showHidden (0 or 1)
      • default: 0
      • Show hidden reports (optional)
    • limit (int)
      • default: null
      • Limit the number of reports in the request (optional)
    • offset (int) - default: null - Offset the request (optional)

Get specific report by id

GET: http://apto.vlab.iu.hio.no/api/report/{id}

Gives you a specific report and its history

Modify report

PUT: http://apto.vlab.iu.hio.no/api/report/{id}

Modify a specific report. Parameters sent in the http body in JSON format

  • Parameters:
    • hidden (bool)
      • default: false
      • Change hidden status on the report
      • Change the flag in the report


List incidents

GET: http://your.url/api/incident

Gives you a list over reports.

  • Parameters:
    • limit (int)
      • default: null
      • Limit the number of reports in the request (optional)
    • offset (int) - default: null - Offset the request (optional)

Get a specific incident by id

GET: http://url/api/incident/{id}

Gives you a specific incident and more detailed information

List all reports connected to a specific incident

GET: http://your.url/api/incident/{incidentId}/report

Gives you a list over reports connected to a specific incident.

List messages connected to a specific incident

GET: http://your.url/api/incident/{incidentId}/message

Gives you a list over messages connected to a specific incident.

Create a new incident

POST: http://url/api/incident

Create a new incident. Parameters sent in the http body in JSON format.

  • Parameters:
    • title (string)
      • A descriptive title of the problem (mandatory)
    • author (string)
      • Authors name or nickname (mandatory)
    • messageText (string)
      • The message you wish to save (mandatory)
      • Set the flag of the incident (mandatory)
    • hidden (bool)
      • default: false
      • Whether or not to hide the incident (optional)
    • reports (int or array)
      • Include the reportIds of the reports connected to this incident.


    "title": "A descriptive title of the problem",
    "author": "Jacob",
    "messageText": "A message which will be the main body of the incident. Write reasons and estimated time for fix",
    "flag": "WARNING",
    "hidden": false,
    "reports": [1,2,3]

Modify a specific incident

PUT: http://your.url/api/incident/{id}

Modify an incident. Parameters sent in the http body in JSON format.

  • Parameters
    • reportAction (addReports | removeReport)
      • defines whether or not to add or to remove the listed reports
    • reports (int or array)
      • The report as a single int or an array to either remove or to add.
    • title (string)
      • A new title you want to modify into

Example - Couple new reports to an incident:

    "reportAction": "addReports",
    "reports": [1,2,4]

Example - Decouple reports from an incident:

    "reportAction": "removeReports",
    "reports": 5

Example - Change the title of an incident:

    "title": "New title"


List messages

GET: http://your.url/api/message

Gives you a list over messages.

  • Parameters:
    • showHidden (0 or 1)
      • default: 0
      • Show hidden reports (optional)
    • limit (int)
      • default: null
      • Limit the number of reports in the request (optional)
    • offset (int) - default: null - Offset the request (optional)

####Get a specific message by id GET: http://url/api/message/{id} Gives you a specific message

Add a new message to an incident

POST: http://your.url/api/incident/{id}/message

Add a new message to an incident. Parameters sent in the http body in JSON format.

  • Parameters
    • author (string)
      • Authors name or nickname (mandatory)
    • messageText (string)
      • The message you wish to save (mandatory)
      • Set the flag (mandatory)
    • hidden (bool)
      • default: false
      • Whether or not to hide it (optional)


    "author": "Jones Smith",
    "messageText": "A new message with some update about the situation. Perhaps a new estimated time of resolution",
    "flag": "RESOLVED",
    "hidden": true

Modify an existing message

PUT: http://your.url/api/message/{messageId}

Modify an existing message. Parameters sent in the http body in JSON format.

  • Parameters
    • author (string)
      • Authors name or nickname
    • messageText (string)
      • The message you wish to modify
      • Set the flag
    • hidden (bool)
      • default: false
      • Whether or not to hide it (optional)


    "author": "Mr. Smith Jones",
    "messageText": "You should edit an existing a message here. Perhaps a typo?",
    "flag": "RESOLVED",
    "hidden": false

Get live status on the services

GET: http://your.url/api/live

Get live status on the services

Get 7-days history on the status for the services

GET: http://your.url/api/uptime

Get uptime statistics the last 7 days


Get killswitch status

GET: http://your.url/api/killswitch

Get killswitch status; whether or not the system is currently fetching new reports.

Modify: Turn on the killswitch (Stop the system from collecting new reports)

PUT: http://your.url/api/killswitch

Modify an incident. Parameters sent in the http body in JSON format.

  • Parameters
    • action (on | off)
      • defines you action. To turn it off or not (Mandatory)

Example - Turn on killswitch:

    "action": "on"

Example - Turn off killswitch:

    "action": "off"