
This repo contains the server for the recommendation system

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the server for the recommendation system




Building a Recommender

To demonstrate how to build an analytic job with Mahout on EMR, we’ll build a movie recommender. We will start with ratings given to movie titles by users in the MovieLens data set, which was compiled by the GroupLens team, and will use the “recommenditembased” example to find most-recommended movies for each user.

Get the MovieLens data

wget http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-1m.zip
unzip ml-1m.zip

Convert ratings.dat, trade “::” for “,”, and take only the first three columns:

cat ml-1m/ratings.dat | sed 's/::/,/g' | cut -f1-3 -d, > ratings.csv

Put ratings file into HDFS:

hadoop fs -put ratings.csv /ratings.csv

Run the recommender job:

mahout recommenditembased --input /ratings.csv --output recommendations --numRecommendations 10 --outputPathForSimilarityMatrix similarity-matrix --similarityClassname SIMILARITY_COSINE

Look for the results in the part-files containing the recommendations:

    hadoop fs -ls recommendations
    hadoop fs -cat recommendations/part-r-00000 | head

You should see a lookup file that looks something like this (your recommendations will be different since they are all 5.0-valued and we are only picking ten):

Hosting the service

    sudo easy_install twisted
    sudo easy_install klein
    sudo easy_install redis

Install Redis and start up the server.

    wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-2.8.7.tar.gz
    tar xzf redis-2.8.7.tar.gz
    cd redis-2.8.7
    ./src/redis-server &

Download the server.py

Start the server

twistd -noy server.py &

Testing the system

curl localhost:8080/37

Output will be something similar to

[hadoop@ip-172-31-42-23 ~]$ curl localhost:8081/37
The recommendations for user 37 are :> Movie Name: Man with Two Brains, The (1983), Genre: Comedy, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: Money Pit, The (1986), Genre: Comedy, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997), Genre: Comedy, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: Strictly Ballroom (1992), Genre: Comedy|Romance, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: Time Bandits (1981), Genre: Adventure|Fantasy|Sci-Fi, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate) (1992), Genre: Drama|Romance, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: River Runs Through It, A (1992), Genre: Drama, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Genre: Animation|Children's|Musical, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: Mister Roberts (1955), Genre: Comedy|Drama|War, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0
 Movie Name: Broadcast News (1987), Genre: Comedy|Drama|Romance, Recommendation Confidence: 5.0