
:whale: Docker image with Oracle Database 12c on board

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Oracle Standard Edition 12c Release 2

Docker Repository on Quay


docker pull quay.io/maksymbilenko/oracle-12c

Run with 8080 and 1521 ports opened:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 quay.io/maksymbilenko/oracle-12c

Run with data on host and reuse it:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 -v /my/oracle/data:/u01/app/oracle quay.io/maksymbilenko/oracle-12c

Run with Custom DBCA_TOTAL_MEMORY (in Mb):

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 -v /my/oracle/data:/u01/app/oracle -e DBCA_TOTAL_MEMORY=4096 quay.io/maksymbilenko/oracle-12c

Connect database with following setting:

hostname: localhost
port: 1521
sid: xe
service name: xe
username: system
password: oracle

To connect using sqlplus:

sqlplus system/oracle@//localhost:1521/xe

Password for SYS & SYSTEM:


Connect to Oracle Application Express web management console with following settings:

workspace: INTERNAL
user: ADMIN
password: 0Racle$

Apex upgrade up to v 5.*

docker run -it --rm --volumes-from ${DB_CONTAINER_NAME} --link ${DB_CONTAINER_NAME}:oracle-database -e PASS=YourSYSPASS quay.io/maksymbilenko/docker-oracle-apex install

Details could be found here: https://github.com/MaksymBilenko/docker-oracle-apex

Connect to Oracle Enterprise Management console with following settings:

user: sys
password: oracle
connect as sysdba: true

By Default web management console is enabled. To disable add env variable:

docker run -d -e WEB_CONSOLE=false -p 1521:1521 -v /my/oracle/data:/u01/app/oracle quay.io/maksymbilenko/oracle-12c
#You can Enable/Disable it on any time

Start with additional init scripts or dumps:

docker run -d -p 1521:1521 -v /my/oracle/data:/u01/app/oracle -v /my/oracle/init/SCRIPTSorSQL:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d quay.io/maksymbilenko/oracle-12c

By default Import from docker-entrypoint-initdb.d is enabled only if you are initializing database (1st run).

To customize dump import use IMPDP_OPTIONS env variable like -e IMPDP_OPTIONS="REMAP_TABLESPACE=FOO:BAR" To run import at any case add -e IMPORT_FROM_VOLUME=true

In case of using DMP imports dump file should be named like ${IMPORT_SCHEME_NAME}.dmp

User credentials for imports are ${IMPORT_SCHEME_NAME}/${IMPORT_SCHEME_NAME}

If you have an issue with database init like DBCA operation failed, please reffer to this issue


  • Web management console HTTPS port
  • Add functionality to run custom scripts on startup, for example User creation
  • Add Parameter that would setup processes amount for database (Currently by default processes=300)
  • Spike with clustering support
  • Spike with DB migration from 11g

In case of any issues please post it here.