
I use this repository to learn the theory of design patterns and try to implement them based on what i understand(Please let me know if im wrong for a implementation or it could be improved, i make a lot of mistakes while learning :D).

Adapter Pattern use cases: convert data formats to different ones (xml to json, mile to kph etc/ kind of a translation layer between two objects that want to share information). provide new functionality for objects (shared behaviour) without knowing that the object is actaully wrapped inside a adapter. add common functionality to multiple subclasses when you lack the possibility to add it to the superclass. Facade Pattern use cases: used to simplify usage of a large framework/class(it will give you less functionality to work with but everything the client needs). used when you want to strucure a subsystem/framework into layers of functionality. Bridge Pattern is a structural design pattern that lets you split a large class or a set of closely related classes into two separate hierarchies—abstraction and implementation—which can be developed independently of each other Builder pattern should be used when the parameter list of a constructor is longer than 5/6 fields. In that case a telescope pattern could be used but is not scalable. A javabeans construction could be used but isn't garantee consistent state and thread safety. In that case use the builder pattern with a fluent api imp should be the best case.