photosynthesisclass Photosynthesis:

def __init__(self, co2, h2o, sunlight):
    self.co2 = co2  # Carbon Dioxide
    self.h2o = h2o  # Water
    self.sunlight = sunlight  # Sunlight

def perform_photosynthesis(self):
    # Chemical reaction: 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + sunlight -> C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂
    if self.sunlight and self.co2 >= 6 and self.h2o >= 6:
        glucose = 1  # 1 glucose molecule
        oxygen = 6   # 6 oxygen molecules
        self.co2 -= 6
        self.h2o -= 6
        print(f"Photosynthesis complete! Produced {glucose} glucose and {oxygen} oxygen molecules.")
        print("Insufficient resources for photosynthesis!")

Example usage:

plant = Photosynthesis(co2=12, h2o=10, sunlight=True) plant.perform_photosynthesis()