
Calculate average wait time on bus stops using GTFS real-time vehicle location and display it on a map

Primary LanguagePython


A web app that shows average wait time on a bus stop for MiWay (Mississauga Transit) agency using their public GTFS feed. Work in progress.


I like public transport, and I enjoy software engineering. For a long time, I wanted to build a project that worked with data end-to-end. From data ingestion throughout the analysis to the presentation to the external end user. The only thing that stopped me was not finding an analysis topic I would want to dive into (low-effort excuse, I know, but it is what it is). As I am growing an interest in public transportation and am a day-to-day user of it, I have recently found a topic I would like to explore - an average wait time at a stop. You can track the project progress by reading "MiWaitWay" series on my engineering blog.

Deploying Airflow on Google Cloud VM

  1. Pull repository
  2. Start services with docker compose up -d
  3. Create SSH tunnel from your local computer to VM instance. In this case, you will not need to expose AIrflow UI to the web.
gcloud compute ssh airflow-and-web \
    --project miwaitway \
    --zone us-central1-c \
    -- -NL 8080:localhost:8080