- 1
Two errors
#12 opened by Amidamaru - 1
ERROR: The identifier "LocalizationKeys" isn't declared in the current scope
#11 opened by NickHatBoecker - 8
Error on auto translation
#10 opened by Lyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 1
- 3 broken when exported.
#9 opened by Hugo4IT - 1
LocalizationEditorDialogFile problems.
#8 opened by rambda - 12
- 3
Activating Plugin throws a HUGE ERROR
#5 opened by nonunknown - 25
- 4
[Featurerequest] - Translation (self/google)
#2 opened by Gamemap - 3
Translations with space (e.g. FileDialog)
#3 opened by Gamemap - 12
audio - remap
#1 opened by Gamemap