
Turing Mod 3 project, creating a database for Pokemon card sets utilizing the Pokemon TCG API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokemon Database

A Turing Module 3 Project

The Pokemon Database utilizes the Pokemon Trading Card Game API to display and allows users to filter through Pokemon cards based on a set of criteria. The application is built on React, utilizing Redux store for all state related changes.

Getting started

  1. git clone a copy of the repostiory to your local machine
  2. run npm start to boot a local server
  3. the application should run in your browser at default port http://localhost:3000/ If this is already being used, you will be prompted to allow it to use the next available port.


  • React
  • Redux
  • React Router
  • Jest w/ Enzyme
  • SASS
  • Webpack
  • PropTypes



  • Pokemon TCG API
  • Movie DB API




Challenges of this Project:

This project was originally designed to be a database for the online card game, Hearthstone, using the Hearthstone API. Unfortunately, after about two days os work, I realized many of the data sets had issues like broken image links or incomplete data and it was very difficult to visualize a great end product with these problems. Since this project was done on a deadline, I looked for something that could change the theme of the site without needing huge changes to the voerall structure. For this reason, the Pokemon TCG API seemed like a good fit as it was also a card game with a plethora of data on the game.

However, while the data coming back was of better quality, some endpoints would not return a response at times. I am currently in contact with the moderator of the APIs site trying to see if I can get more information on this issue.