
Moral Control Bridge vs Curve

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • Update state machine to include new moral control state for bridge vs curve
  • Update state machine transitions to include success / fail for moral control
  • Update overall state machine logic to include new hooks out to the experiment states
  • Update and create new timeline for handling the setup of the sequence
  • Update and create new timeline event messages for communicating across systems
  • Update Phil_Main to include three new UnityEvents
  • Event: Moral Control Bridge Curve Start
  • Event: Fix how we destroyed the old light on back of truck
  • New Prefabs: blown up truck with light - on train collision
    • No longer need to deal with truck state just turn it off because it's a spawned object
  • New Prefabs: light to be hit by train - for normal study
  • Event: Moral Control Bridge Curve Success
  • Event: Moral Control Bridge Curve Fail
  • New Prefabs: Full Truck-Train System with wagon code for instance/spawning
  • Physics RigidBody changes moved from light system to Main Truck System
  • Update Azure Data events to include outcome of these states - this should automatically happen but double check
  • Activate Lights on Removing Parent from trailer
  • Deactivate Lights on Reparenting trailer
  • Update truck sequence logic to only send out a 5 person truck by itself on the bridge
  • Update truck sequence to hold the truck on the track until moral control is over
  • Add three new public methods to pause, release, and destroy truck
    - [ ] New Narration needed for moral control introductions: see notes
    - [ ] New narration needed for moral control success: this should be the same for other moral control success
    - [ ] New narration needed for moral control failure: this should be the same for other moral control failure

Moral Control works for Bridge vs Curve
Small adjustments on forcing studysetup transition to not linger on that state so I can advance my next vehicles - will be in a fix tonight.