
There are 53 repositories under extended-reality topic.

  • dilmerv/UnityARFoundationEssentials

    AR Foundation examples created with Unity and ARKit


    ILLIXR: Illinois Extended Reality Testbed

  • xr


    A curated list of resources to see the big picture of XR

  • VR-Builder


    VR Builder lets you create better VR experiences faster. Our code is open source and designed to be extended. Plus, our GUI empowers everyone to create fully functional VR apps - without writing code.


    MirageXR is a reference implementation of an XR training system. MirageXR enables experts and learners to share experience via XR and wearables using ghost tracks, realtime feedback, and anchored instruction.

  • dilmerv/UnityWithCSharpCourse

    LearnXR.io - Unity With C# course supplemental source code examples

  • Priyanshu-CODERX/Unity-XR-Interaction-Toolkit-VR-Mechanisms

    This repository contains implementation of various basic virtual reality mechanisms which one can use in their project.

  • AwesomeVisionPro/apps

    Awesome Developer first repository for Apple VR Headset Vision Pro. App ideas, tutorial links, developer sources

  • ReactVision/expo-starter-kit-typescript

    NativeVision starter kit - Expo with TypeScript

  • Austin47/ProjectPhotoAR_UnityClient

    Starter project for a Unity AR/Picture app

  • dilmerv/ARFoundationMVP

    A MVP Project to apply all lessons learned through Learn XR AR Course.

  • dennishnf/project-xr-glasses

    Repository for Glasses project of Extended reality (XR)

  • sorianog/xr-applications-tracker

    A list of applications in the XR space

  • vr-app-handtracking


    Virtual Reality Application implemented as part of my Master's degree thesis. Using: Oculus Rift DK2, Leap Motion, Unity 3D, Nvidia 3D Vision glasses, hand tracking, computer-human interaction Hands are an indispensable way for humans to interact with the environment in their daily lives. To incorporate the possibility that they can interact with their hands within a virtual world, it raises the degree of immersion and provides a form of natural interaction in virtual reality applications. In this final master work, we undertake the development of a virtual reality application in which stereoscopic visualization and hand interaction are used. At same time, we compare two modes of stereoscopic visualization to determine if participants cope with any of them better. We will observe if the results indicate that regardless of gender, age, or profession, participants prefer the mode with a virtual helmet. riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/77848

  • Virginia-Philosophy-Reality-Lab


    An Interdisciplinary Coalition of Educators and Researchers

  • pengyuan-zhou/Metaverse-PaperList

    Up-to-date paper list and relevant material for metaverse techniques.

  • AgrMayank/XRTemplate-URP

    Configured with URP, Input System, Shader Graph, Visual Scripting, XR Interaction Toolkit for mobile & HMD devices, etc

  • milanwulf/SpatialControlRoom

    Spatial Control Room is a mixed reality concept designed to revolutionize television production control rooms. It uses a Quest 3 headset and OBS.

  • sam-the-programmer/3dview

    A face-tracking 3D renderer that attempts to make things look 3D with the parallax effect. Virtual Reality without the headset.

  • AmanpreetSingh-GitHub/Virtual-Reality-Room

    Virtual Reality environment

  • anthonyesp/SSVEPcharacterization

    Data and code for the metrological characterization of a low-cost wearable brain-computer interface

  • Priyanshu-CODERX/AR001-Course-Page

    In this course you are going to learn about Extended Reality from both Theoritical and Practical prospect, we will be learning to develop Augmented Reality mobile applications and Augmented Reality Filters for Instagram and Facebook from scratch, this course is designed for absolute beginners and professionals and because the course is designed for both professionals and beginners we covered every concept from scratch such as XR Fundamentals, Unity Engine, C#, Markerbased AR Development and AR Filter development.

  • AmanpreetSingh-GitHub/Pachinko-2D

    Pachinko 2D game in Unity

  • AnnaVitali/Corquet.io-examples

    This repository contains examples that show how to use BABYLON.js and Croquet.io with WebXR and eXtended Reality

  • AnnaVitali/WebXR-BabylonJS-examples

    Repository that contains examples of eXtended Reality application made using WebXR and BABYLON.js

  • chetna-iitd/I2MB_IEEE_Access

    C. Singhal, "I2MB: Intelligent Immersive Multimedia Broadcast in Next-Generation Cellular Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 98882-98895, 2022

  • cschell/kinematic-maze

    Webpage for our paper "Navigating the Kinematic Maze: Analyzing, Standardizing and Unifying XR Motion Datasets"


    Unity package for a CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment using a Kinect v2 for tracking

  • jheo4/MagicLeap1_TowerDefense

    Tower Defence Game on Magic Leap 1 Platform

  • lukeacparsons/awesome-xr-companies

    A collection of companies building in the XR (VR and AR) space.

  • neurogeom/XR_neuron_tracer

    Official implementation for Efficient and Accurate Semi-automatic Neuron Tracing with Extended Reality (ISMAR 2024 - special issue of TVCG)

  • PromiseGameFi/Games-and-Metaverse-Code-base

    An open source codebase for game development and metaverse development

  • summitgames/XR-Course

    Extended Reality Professional University Course Structure, Hackathon | Workshops and Industry Guide

  • kevinyan98/xr-city

    Last Updated 08/12/2024 The website is built with HTML, CSS code and Framer. Please view main site: https://xrcity.framer.website/ model viewer: https://kevinyan98.github.io/xr-city/ Design File: https://www.figma.com/design/vPGEcCBHHI0Q2LyYDE8KiR/SU-2024_The-Internet_Hanyang%26Gao?node-id=1-2&t=eO4XSWx0v9j3MN7B-1

  • knorrsoupy/Guidelines-for-XR

    XR guidelines-designs-development, whatever you call it.