
Weight-aware dynamic resource allocation for XR applications utlizing multi-layered video encoding

Immersion based technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR), together falling under the umbrella of Extended Reality (XR) have taken the world by storm in the recent past. However, with the growing market and the increasing number of applications of XR, multiple challenges have arisen. To maintain acceptable levels of motion-to-photon latency, there is a need to serve the users with ultra low latency and with high reliability. To provide high quality rendering, these solutions have traditionally been deployed with wired connections, but severely inhibiting user mobility. Thus, the need to develop wireless solutions promising ultra low latency and high reliability emerges. Cloud/Edge based solutions promise to provide great dividends in this regard but it still remains crucial to understand how different scheduling policies perform against one another in terms of average throughput, mean system time, the number of UEs which can be serviced simultaneously etc.

In this thesis, we explore how online packet scheduling policies such as first-come-first-serve, earliest-deadline-first, maximum weight scheduling etc. compare against other Quality of Experience(QoE)/ packet weight aware online scheduling policies and also against optimal offline schemes such as maximum-weighted-bipartite-matching. We perform a detailed analysis of how these policies fare by studying various metrics such as the average-packet system time, competitive ratios, packet drop percentages and weight throughput, amongst others. Finally, we also explore how the introduction of multi-layered video encoding impacts XR service. Amongst the findings of the thesis, we conclude that it is possible to come up with solutions such as EDF_alpha (which is a deadline and weight aware derivative of the earliest deadline first scheduling policy), which can either increase the weight throughput when compared to other baselines while also providing lesser packet drops and lower average system times for the scheduled packets. This algorithm can be further tuned by varying alpha to accordingly alter the weight throughput, system time and packet drop ratio depending on the precise user application. Additionally, we establish with the help of simulations that the introduction of multi-layered video encoding conclusively helps in reducing the average system time and eventually allows for more users to be accommodated in an XR based system at the cost of worsening video quality.