
Udacity Nanodegree project

IP Address:

URL: http://catalog-nd.tk

Software Installed
  • Apache 2.4.18
  • Python 2.7.12
  • PostgreSQL 9.5
Summary Config
  1. Update and upgrade all packages;
  2. Create student and grader users and add sudo access;
  3. Set up RSA keys for student and grader and disable password authentication;
  4. Set up firewall rules with UFW allowing only SSH 2200, HTTP 80, NTP 123 incoming and any outgoing;
  5. Change default SSH port;
  6. Install mod_wsgi;
  7. Configure /etc/apache2/sites-available/flask.conf and enabled with a2ensite flask;
  8. Import Catalog app project to /var/www/catalog;
  9. Adapt catalog/catalog/models/__init_.py to PostgreSQL;
  10. Set up PostgreSQL database catalog and user catalog;
  11. Sign in catalog app and populate database with catalog/run.sh;
Third-party Resources Used