- 1
- 1
Consider submitting to ESO
#42 opened by illandan - 1
- 3
- 2
- 1
Why is it in Hindi?
#35 opened by ashikvs - 1
Publish this to PyPI
#34 opened by dvjn - 1
ur not an indian. unless..
#30 opened by kermitsgonnakermicide - 2
Windows: 'python3': permission denied error
#29 opened by AbdulMuhaymin - 2
Undefined name: 'filename' on lines 12 and 16
#27 opened by cclauss - 3
Support for windows !
#25 opened by LitHaxor - 1
Feature to take audio/voice input
#26 opened by bhawesh96 - 8
Throws RuntimeError when executed
#1 opened by jrsam - 1
Wrong boolean operators and recursion error
#24 opened by iamareebjamal - 2
Remove Logical operators from ModiScript
#20 opened by moghya - 20
Online Demo Site
#15 opened by 0xDaksh - 3
Provide zen of modiscript
#12 opened by onlinejudge95 - 1