
A script designed with a sleek and modern design for being able to display your current jobs as well as switching between them.

Primary LanguageSvelte



A script designed with a sleek and modern design for being able to display your current jobs as well as switching between them.


  • Configurable ignore certain jobs.
  • Configurable keybind to open the job menu - J by default.
  • Configurable max jobs per citizen ID. Unlimited jobs for players with the 'admin' permission.
  • Configurable white list jobs.
  • Configurable descriptions per job.
  • Configurable side (left or right) of the screen you want the ui to show on. Right side by default. (see Config)
  • Configurable job icon via font awesome icons. Change these icons in the config
  • Remove someone's job by doing /removejob - Admin only.
  • Coming later: Admin Tab for job handling.




  • Rename to ps-multijob. Do not change the name or it will not work.
  • Import SQL into your database
  • Ensure to server.cfg

Linking to qb-management | Auto Firing

  1. Find the following event

  2. Insert the TriggerEvent right under the notification for 'Employee Fired!'. The TriggerEvent should be added twice, once near line 174 and once near line 199.

    TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, "Employee fired!", "success")
    TriggerEvent('ps-multijob:server:removeJob', target)


Serversided Exports

  • GetJobs(citizenid)

    Example usage:

    local jobs = exports["ps-multijob"]:GetJobs("citizenid here")
  • AddJob(citizenid, job, grade)

    Example usage:

    exports["ps-multijob"]:AddJob("citizenid here", "police", 0)
  • UpdateJobRank(citizenid, job, grade) Example usage:

    exports["ps-multijob"]:UpdateJobRank("citizenid here", "police", 3)
  • RemoveJob(citizenid, job)

    Example usage:

    exports["ps-multijob"]:RemoveJob("citizenid here", "police")
