This is a demo project created to demonstrate to new users of the VRGO chair how it can be used.

We've now opened the project for other developers as an introductory example of developing for the VRGO chair.


  • The VRGO chair is a Raw/Direct input device. You will need the Controlysis plugin which can be found here:

  • Whilst developing for the VRGO chair, provided you have the Conrolysis plugin installed, you will be able to use an Xbox 360 or Xbone controller to replicate the Direct Input control scheme. (Other controllers will be able to replicate the Direct Input control scheme such as various Steel Series controllers, however, Xbox controllers are likely the most universal and support both Xinput and Direct Input.

  • As of version 4.15 native Raw Input support has been added to the Unreal Engine. However, we've been unable to obtain consistent results across different products using this, especially regarding axis movement, and therefore would still recommend using the Controlysis plugin at least until further improvements to the native Raw Input support by Epic.

  • For more detailed information on getting Controlysis and the VRGO chair setup, please check out our short introduction tutorial here:

  • The .dll that maybe required to be included in the packeged project when working with Controlysis can be found in the root directory of the repository. SDL2.dll.