
Primary LanguagePython


Additional Functionality for the STS communication mod that adds socket communication and savestate functions

Installing this mods adds the commands

savestate [statename]


loadstae [statename]

save states remain in memory for as long as the the process is active

Socket Communication was added as a simple way to test out script functionality utilzing com mod as a CLI. In order to enable this:

  1. Compile this modules with communicationMethod = SOCKET
  2. start the game and click 'start external process' in the mod menu
  3. Launch the java app utilities/SampleClient.java, the command line will start and wait for the first input (you can input an empty line to get a prompt)

The same effect can be achieved with the TWITCH_CHAT. The setting will utilize the game's existing twitch config to log in and use the logged in users's IRC input as twitch commands

