
Tool to simplify the download of the output from the CMIP6 simulations.

Primary LanguagePython


Some tools to help download CMIP6 data from the ESGF pyclient (https://esgf-pyclient.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/latest/pdf/).


Create an environment ESGF to run the code :

conda create -n ESGF -c conda-forge esgf-pyclient pip numpy configparser

conda activate ESGF

pip install myproxyclient


To make a request you have to complete both .def files:

  • config.def with your IDs
  • search.def with the parameter of your request


openid = your_id password = your_password

(Create an account on https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/login/)

/!\ write in your terminal: chmod 600 config.def so other user cannot see your password


  • Name of the json file that will contain all the model/member compatible with your request
    dfile = my_request.json

  • list of the experiment you consider
    experiments = historical ssp585

  • list of the variables you want to download
    variables = pr tasmax

  • directory where you want to save the downloads
    wrkdir = /dir/to/save/files/CMIP6


Launch the search and save all the models/member with the experiments / variables you are interested in:
1 ) python 1_get_memberlist.py

Create the directory structure for the download and prepare the Script.bash file to download the files:
2 ) python 2_get_downloadfile.py

Launch the download:
3 ) python 3_download.py

During this third step, the download may be blocked due to the waiting of the server.
It may also stops after 8 hours (credentials available 8 hours).
You have to launch it again, it will pass the already downloaded files.