- Buttons like x10, x100, x1000, xStack (custom values? config)
- x1
- x10
- x100
- x1000
- xStack
- xCustom
- Buy according to selected button
- Get bulk items
- Get bulk items on repeated buy
- Get bulk non stackable items (add to inventory / drop on the ground)
- Spend money according to bulk settings
- Handle not enough money
- Toggle "buy max that can afford if not enough money" (config)
- Show buttons only in shop menu
- Configs
- Move buttons around
- Add custom bulk modes (list / input)
- Settings
- buy non stackables (T/F) T + x10 => buy x10 of item
- allow drop non stackables in the world (T/F) F + no inv space => stop buying
- Use in Inventory (T/F) T + RMB + x10 => take x10 of item
- Sell by type (T/F) T + Ctrl + Shift + LMB => sell all of type
- Ignore NBT? (T/F) F + -=- => sell only matching NBT
- buy non stackables (T/F) T + x10 => buy x10 of item
- Publish