
A simple project testing my knowledge about Node.Js and Express

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Node.Js, Express and Angular

This project was built with the objective to test my skills to create a simple WebApp using Node.JS, Express and a UI framework (Angular, React, Vue etc).

Tecnologies Stacks

  • Express 4.17.1
  • Node.js 16.14
  • Angular 13
  • HTML
  • Css
  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • SQLite

How to execute the project

  • To run the project you'll need to follow the steps bellow:
    1. Inside of the project root, run npm install to install the dependecies of the api.
    2. Still inside of the project root run npm run seed to create the database.
    3. Now, you go to path Angular/teste_rtb and there you run npm install to install the dependecies of front-end.
    4. For finish, open to diferents terminals, one in the project root (responsible for the api), and another in the path Angular/teste_rtb (responsible for the front end). Furthermore, in the first one you'll run npm run start, and the second you'll run `npm start'.