Full-stack software development Student! HTML/CSS | JavaScript, and more to learn. Currently open to new job opportunities
Microverse StudentBeirut, Lebanon
VSeray's Stars
Built for fun and game activities! you can submit scores of players, create a new game, and refresh to see who is on top of the leaderboard. It was built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Thanks to the central LeaderBoard API service all data is preserved
Stock metrics is a web(mobile-focused) app for checking the companies listed on the stock exchange and seeing their live metrics. Its data is consumed from the Financial modeling API. It is built using React, Redux, React-bootstrap, Skeleton Loader, Recharts.
This is a capstone project developed as a requirement in Microverse. It is a mimic of Conference for developers
This is an app for tracking air pollution in a country and showing a chart of how dense the air pollution is
Math Magicians is a Single Page Application (SPA) created in React that allows users to make simple calculations & Read some famous Math Quotes - Created with React, JavaScript, HTML & SCSS.
This app was created for a tech meetup. The website helps publicize the program to students of Microverse residing in Ghana.
This is an app that helps users to keep track of their tasks. They can add, edit and delete tasks. The app also allows marking tasks as completed and clearing all completed with just one click.
This project is developed for Pokemon and fight game lovers to see their favorite Pokemon character and make comments on them. This project makes use of Poke API and involvement API to get Pokemon information to be rendered on the screen and to store and retrieve users likes and comments respectively.
"Awesome books" is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add ang remove books from that list. Also you can store your data in your local storage. Build with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
A Portfolio Website. In this portfolio you can find all the list of project that I've worked on it during my journey as a developer. Build with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
To-Do List web app that helps to organize your day. You can add, remove, check the completed tasks, and store your list in your browser (local storage). Build using Webpack and JavaScript.
A responsive website for free web development courses, based on an online website for a conference, that contain to pages: home page and about page. Build with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
The Happy Devs Leaderboard allows users to submit their scores. The app then ranks them from highest scores to the lowest.
This is a book store app for storing books to read created using React, it performs basic fuctions like adding, commenting and deleteing a book.
Mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what.
The Budget App is a mobile-focused web application where you can manage your expenses: you have a list of expenses associated with a category, and this allows you see how much money you have spent on what and on which category. It also shows you which category you spend most on and your total expenses for the current month which helps you make more informed decisions about your finances.
This is a simple calculator using react library
In this project, Anny and I built a basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list. Built with JavaScript and utilizes LocalStorage.
Angular Blobal Summit'22 is a conference for angular developers where developers and speakers from different places will gather together.
This is my personal portfolio. A portfolio website is a key job searching tool for a web developer. My website depicts all my skills through projects I've done as well as an introduction about me as a person.
A simple page with a list of To-Do tasks. Users can add to-do items, check completed, clear completed, and delete tasks. Built with Webpack, Javascript and utilizes LocalStorage.