
A custom shortcut tool

Primary LanguageShell


A custom shortcut tool


  • Requires inotifywait (from inotify-tools) and xterm
  • Save fn-prompt.sh somewhere (like ~/bin/)
  • Open GNOME settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > View and Customize Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts > +
    • gnome settings screenshot
    • Name : FnFn or anything really
    • Command : /home/wherever/you/put/it - on current (2023-10) GNOME shell expansion fails, so don't try anything like ~/bin/fn-prompt.sh
    • Shortcut > Set Shortcut > hit your Fn key
      • Something like "Wake up" or "XF86WakeUp" should appear
  • Hit Fn, Fn in quick succession, followed by e when xTerm appears
    • Scroll down to "Commands" and make it your own!

My timeouts are 0.3 and 0.5, and I cut out a bunch of shortcuts that just open some google doc or a webpage that I want to peek at for a second.

Don't forget about number keys and CAPS.


I think messing aound with X-Keys when I was working at RedHat gave me the idea. I wanted something like that, but frictionless enough that I could easily experiment - adding and removing shortcuts without too much difficulty.


  • Uncomment set -x on line 3
  • watch -n 0.1 cat ~/.fnp_*