
A minimalist password manager

Primary LanguageHTML


A minimalist password manager

Demo (work in progress)



  • It's a password manager that doesn't need a chrome plugin, or an .exe run as administrator.
  • It uses the lingua franca of devices with browsers - JS.
  • Passwords are encrypted with AES256-CTR, the nonce increments on reset.
  • Everything is packed into one HTML file with a block of JS at the top containing the password DB.
  • Any modifications generate a new HTML file
    • alternatively a block of JS is shown
      • can be manually appended to the JS DB for new entries
      • or replace an existing entry.
+------------------+ aes-256(   |
|                  |   nonce,   |
| +-Master:------+ |   key)<----+
| |*************…| |
| +--------------+ |
|                  |
| +-Authority:---+ |
| |gmail.com     | |
| +--------------+ |
| +-Plaintext:---+ |
| |hunter2       | |
| +--------------+ |
| +-Ciphertext:--+ |
| |n=1;qyLq5iQ+V…| |
| +--------------+ |
|                  |
| +-Authority:---+ |
| |github.com    | |

Entering plaintext and submitting increments the nonce at the beginning of the ciphertext Entering a master password creates a Decrypt button next to each block Argon's parameters are tuned to the oldest functional smartphone I can find (an S2) to use maximum memory and take ~8s to decrypt. These can be changed and saved as advanced parameters.


  • Fix ugly README diagram - GitHub has some non-monospace font preferences
  • textarea height 100% not working
  • Use ROT13 for demo
  • argon2 js
  • AES JS