ECE/CS-5510 Homework 3 Part II Reference code (Fall 2024)


Please use the Homework3 discussion forum on Canvas for any questions.


Please refer to the provided skeletal code and implement your solution to Part II of Homework 3. Please submit the code along with a screenshot of the linearizability sequence visualization as part of the submission for Homework 3. Submit your solution as a zip file on Canvas.

You are free to modify any part of the provided source code.


Install go using your distribution's package manager or refer to the official documentation to install the latest stable compiler version.


  • Install the dependencies.
  • Clone the porcupine lineraizability checker repository.
  • Create a new directory within the cloned porcupine repository.
  • Copy the provided skeletal code into the new directory and modify it as per the problem specification.
  • Refer to the usage section of the documentation to implement a model (sequential specification of the event) and to construct histories.
  • Compile and run the program to check the histories for linearizability with go run hw3.go.