
Transcribed problem set for GNY 2016 Regionals

Primary LanguageC


These are the problem packages in the ICPC format from Greater New York USA Regionals 2016, held on Sunday, November 13, 2016.

The problem set was graciously provided by Sean McIntyre. URL: http://acmgnyr.org/year2016/problems.shtml

It was converted to Kattis format by Godmar Back (godmar@gmail.com)

The data is provided as-is and is not documented.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Non-Commercial Alike 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

Order in which problems were posed at the contest:

whichbase               A - Which Base is it Anyway?
fbiuniversal            B - FBI Universal Control Numbers
marypartitions          C - m-ary Partitions
rationalsequence3       D - A Rational Sequence (Take 3)
permutationdescent      E - Permutation Descent Counts
tightfitsudoku          F - Tight-fit Sudoku
magicalmysteryknight    G - Magical Mystery Knight's Tour
dasort                  H - DA-Sort
amazing                 I - A Mazing!
smoothedgardens         J - Smoothed Gardens