
Repository for the 10th grade Flutter OTJ Training

Primary LanguagePythonCERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly ReciprocalCERN-OHL-W-2.0

A modern controller for kinematics

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📋 Description

This mobile app is designed to control a robotic arm using Flutter and Dart. The app provides an intuitive interface for users to interact with the robotic arm and perform various actions and movements.

🔧 Languages Used


🔨 Tools

adobe creative cloud MS PowerPoint logo Git Github

🔧 Installation

You can download our project by using the green "Code" button.

Or by pasting the following code in your CMD:
git clone https://github.com/VTIvanov20/remote.git

âš™ Build from source

To run the app localy, follow these steps after installation:

cd  app
flutter doctor
flutter run

To run some of the scripts for the hardware, follow these steps after installation:

cd arm
cd sandbox
python instructions.py

and run the sockets in parallel:

cd arm
cd sockets
python sockets.py

Enjoy the project!