
Make two folder, codes and data. Save this program in codes and run it. Output will be in folder data.

Simulation: Maxwell - Bloch - Provotorov, Dipole Dipole Interaction and Bo Inhomogenety
Author: Vineeth Thalakottoor (
Created: 12 November 2021
Modified: 4 November 2022

A) This program can solve Maxwell - Bloch - Provotorov, along with dipole-dipole interaction and Bo inhomogenety.
B) This is a beta program, its not that user friendly.
C) Go to line 579 for setting the parameters

D) Output files:

  1. Mxi.txt save (t, Transverse magnetization, Longitudinal magnetization) in defined instant of time (line 72)

  2. Bdip.txt save dipolar field and magnetization at defiend time # caution consume a lot of space
    row 7i + 0 : time, t
    row 7
    i + 1 : Bdipole_X (t)
    row 7i + 2 : Bdipole_Y (t)
    row 7
    i + 3 : Bdipole_X (t)
    row 7i + 4 : M_X (t)
    row 7
    i + 5 : M_Y (t)
    row 7*i + 6 : M_Z (t)

use the the file to split each into different files

  1. dataMx.txt save average Mx
    dataMy.txt save average My
    dataMz.txt save average Mz
    datat.txt save time

  2. dataMxall.txt save individual Mx
    dataMyall.txt save individual My
    dataMzall.txt save individual Mz

E) When simulation complete it will plot average transverse and longitudinal magnetization

F) If you want to polt data live, plot with BMP_simulation_liveplotter.ipynb, save this file in folder data For any question write to me